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How to Get an Internship In Digital Marketing

How to Get an Internship In Digital Marketing

With so many companies focusing on online presence and having better reach with their target audience, there is a massive demand for digital marketers. According to a LinkedIn report, among the top 10 in-demand jobs, the digital marketing specialist is one of them, with about 860,000 job openings.

However, the question is, how can we bridge the gap between practical knowledge and landing a job? Well, the answer lies in getting an internship in digital marketing! 

An internship offers you the opportunity for practical experience, skill development, and valuable networking, whether you are a student or a professional seeking to start a career in the digital marketing industry.

In today’s blog, we will take you through how you can learn digital marketing to start a successful digital marketing career. Before we start, let’s have a clear idea of the basics. 

What is a Digital Marketing Internship?

A digital marketing internship is a training program for freshers or professionals looking to change careers by providing practical, hands-on work experience. It is a program where you will learn how to apply digital marketing strategies and techniques in real life under the skilful guidance of trainers or mentors. 

So, as an intern, you will work on real projects involving SEO, social media, content creation, email marketing, analytics, and many more, allowing you to gain valuable skills and industry insights. Moreover, you will be exposed to how to handle clients’ needs, exposing you to build a strong foundation for a successful career in the digital marketing field.

When it comes to internship, you can get an internship in digital marketing as a fresher in Delhi in a digital marketing agency, startup, or company where there is a dedicated team of digital marketers. 

However, the internship duration can vary, lasting for a month or months, depending on the program. 

One of the best digital marketing institutes to learn digital marketing courses is H1 Tags in Pitampura, Delhi, where you can get hands-on experience through a paid internship from the first month. 

Types Of Internships in Digital Marketing in 2024

Types Of Internships in Digital Marketing in 2024

Here are the types of digital marketing internships available if you want to change your career or are freshers. There are: 

1. Paid Vs Unpaid Internship

In a paid internship, you receive monetary compensation for your work. As an intern pursuing a digital marketing course or already earning a certification in digital marketing course, a paid internship shows the company values interns like other employees. 

However, a paid internship may provide a small monetary amount or a stipend to cover your expenses. Moreover, the quality of the internship is better, and they expect you to give your best, preparing you for your real-world job. 

On the other hand, an unpaid internship is a program that doesn’t compensate you with monetary. However, it may offer different benefits, like adding value to your work, networking opportunities, and other career opportunities. 

2. Full-Time or Part-Time Internship 

A full-time digital marketing internship provides an exciting opportunity with intensive experience, allowing you to entirely focus on your learning while applying the digital marketing strategies you have learned in your digital marketing classes. An internship in digital marketing often leads to faster skill development and career advancement.

However, a part-time digital marketing internship is a program where you have to spend 3-4 hours working on the project, mainly from the comfort of your home. It allows you to gain practical experience and develop your skills while you manage other commitments, such as studies or another job, with flexible working hours.

3. Discipline-Specific Vs Sector-Specific Internships

Discipline-specific internships focus on a specific area, like SEO, social media, or content marketing, allowing you to gain only in-depth expertise and specialised skills in that particular discipline. So, it can be either paid or unpaid, depending on the company and the duration.

Sector-specific internships are a type of internship in digital marketing that involves working within a specific industry, such as healthcare, fashion, or finance. As a fresher or professional trying to enter a particular sector, this type of internship provides you with industry-specific knowledge and skills tailored according to the marketing strategies of that sector’s needs.

A Guide on How to Get an Internship in Digital Marketing 

Are you looking for a chance to work as a digital marketing intern as a fresher in Delhi? Here are some expert guidelines you can follow on how to get a great internship. 

1. Gaining Digital Marketing Knowledge and Skills

The first and foremost way to land an internship in digital marketing is to learn marketing skills and knowledge through a comprehensive digital marketing course. Most courses cover essential topics such as SEO, content marketing, social media strategy, email marketing, and PPC advertising.

Through digital marketing classes and internships, you can gain hands-on experience before you start a real-life project. 

If you are looking for the best online digital marketing course near me, H1 Tags, a leading digital marketing institute in Pitampura, provides courses from basic to advanced. Moreover, H1 Tags give you the best learning experience through customised and industry-trend topics, making you job-ready.

2. Earn a Certification in Digital Marketing

Obtaining a certification in digital marketing can enhance your chances of landing a good internship in digital marketing in India. Certifications from reputable institutions like H1 Tags increase your credibility and employability.

A digital marketing course covers various aspects of digital marketing, from analytics to advertising, providing a well-rounded understanding of the industry. Additionally, a certification validates your knowledge and skills plus showcases that you possess the necessary skills and expertise in online advertisement.

3. Make a Good Resume

According to Qureos, 83% of recruiters report being more likely to hire a candidate with a well-formatted resume than one without. So, creating an impressive resume is crucial when applying for an internship in digital marketing as a fresher. 

You highlight relevant skills, coursework, certifications, and any hands-on projects or internships you have completed to increase the chance of getting the internship offer. One of the pro tips is to mention any measurable achievements, like increased website traffic or engagement rate in your resume.

So, a well-crafted resume highlights your qualifications and demonstrates your professionalism and attention to detail.

4. Connect with Digital Marketing Professionals

Networking is a powerful way to secure a good internship in digital marketing. As a fresher, you can open an account on a platform like LinkedIn and connect with skilled digital marketing professionals. 

Moreover, engaging with professionals allows you to gain insights, seek advice, and discover potential internship opportunities. Contact digital marketers for any information and seek advice and guidance on how to crack interviews. 

A solid professional network can lead to valuable connections and referrals, increasing your chances of landing a good internship. 

5. Apply for Internships on Various Platforms

To maximize your chances of securing an internship, apply on multiple platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor,, Apna, Shine, and LinkedIn to target digital marketing positions. You can also explore company websites and check their careers pages for internship openings. Personalise each application’s cover letter and resume and emphasise the relevant skills and experiences. 

One of the leading digital marketing institutes in Pitampura, H1 Tags, offers our students the opportunity to start their internship in digital marketing in the first month.  Here, you will be able to gain insights on top industrial trends, plus help you get hands-on experience with different AI tools through our digital marketing classes under the mentorship of experienced trainers. 


To conclude, an internship in digital marketing is highly valuable if you are looking to start your career in digital marketing as a fresher or professional wanting to change or upgrade your skills. It offers you hands-on experience, mentorship, exposure to real-world scenarios, and networking opportunities, which are highly sought-after by recruiters. 

So, gain the skills and knowledge you need to get the job or profession you want by enrolling in the best digital marketing course. Investing in learning digital marketing can increase your chances of securing a high-paying job and achieving your career goal in digital marketing. 


1. What does a digital marketing intern do?

As a digital marketing intern, you will assist with social media management, content creation, SEO optimization, email marketing campaigns, and data analysis. You will support the marketing team by executing strategies and learning industry tools and practices here.

2. What is the stipend for a digital marketing intern?

The stipend for a digital marketing intern in Delhi can vary widely depending on company size, internship duration, and candidate experience. You can earn a range of INR 5,000 to INR 7000 monthly as an intern.

3. Why choose JY Technologies Consulting Pvt Ltd for a digital marketing internship?

An internship in digital marketing at JY Technologies offers hands-on experience, mentorship from industry experts, and exposure to diverse digital marketing projects, providing a valuable learning opportunity for you.

4. Which sector is the best to do an internship in digital marketing?

The best sector for a digital marketing internship depends on your interests and career goals. Some popular sectors include e-commerce, technology, healthcare, fashion, and finance. Choose a sector aligned with your passion and future aspirations.

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